Thursday, January 16, 2014

Trivial Pursuits XXVI

It happened again for the 26th time.  I have had fun coordinating this event for the last three years.  Six teachers and 40 students plus two volunteers have a day long event.  Each teacher teaches five times with 50 minute classes.  Check out my past blog with the flyer notice.  I wanted to make a colorful banner this time since our theme was 'RED'.  This is what I came up with and used for the first time water soluble artists' crayons.  I really liked how they performed.

In the works, I randomly colored Strathmore 400 drawing paper.  I then cut out letters to spell out Trivial Pursuits XXVI.  I then glued then on plain paper and cut a halo around them.

I place them on red paper to see how they would look against the red.
Close-up of the banner
The finished banner....photoed in my hall.
Wonderful gift bags were prepared for everyone.  I made these nametags to identify each persons bag using a letterform inspired by Garth Colgan.

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