Sunday, July 21, 2019

Another Botanical Printing workshop at Pence Gallery in Davis, California

A workshop of one day to introduce Botanical Printing to 8 great participants. It is harried but fun to squeeze in as much as possible to this wonderful craft. I surprised everyone with a Sun Hibiscus for each. These magenta flowers were 8" wide and gave a blue purple print. I had no time to photo and am relying on participant's photos.  The following were from Joan Jarvis.

Rendezvous International Calligraphy Conference

What a wonderful time at the conference in Sherbrooke, Canada, at the Bishops University. This was just a few hours from Montreal. However, only as the crow flies. It took over four hours to get there on a shuttle and three hours to get back to the Montreal airport.
I was fortunate to have a fantastic workshop with Georgia Angelopoulus with her study of pigments and inspiration from William Morris. Following are some of my work examinations and experiments.
We first made squares of our own made paints with all natural pigments. Using William Morris as our inspiration, we each made our own designs and without copying his work, we painted our designs with gouache, watercolors and our own made paints.

My first piece, done before the rest of the work below. Georgia mentioned that it wasn't a square but she really liked it.

Three pigments, each row of four squares, turquoise, buff and red ochre

All squares with a base version of indigo

Metallics of different golds and silver and added debossing.