Sunday, August 27, 2017

Summer Class with Erma Takeda

Another Summer fun with Erma. This summer I pick the MacKintosh hand to study. Every few weeks, each person in the class was to send Erma and another participant, assigned by Erma, a card following a prompt. This year's theme was 'Cut It Out';. Sound familiar? It is also the name of a workshop that I am giving in Los Angeles in October. Anyway, she attached a prompt that we were to adhere to with our cards and lettering. The only one I forgot to photo was the first that I sent out.  Here are the others of mine;

prompt - use decorative edge scissors + 4 lines of chosen leterform and smaller tool. The rose colored area is cut with exacto, white cherry blossoms cut and inserted, all mounted onto stamp edge scissors cut green paper and this all mounted on cardstock.

prompt - use exacto blade..used vellum behind cutout..appears like a cut glass window when opened, may be able to see message under.

prompt - use small scissors and keep practicing. I used painted tissues from another art piece, from a workshop with Este Macloed, and cut out forms and glued down...could not duplicate, so two are different.

cutting out
Wasn't smart enough to cut out two papers at a time. As you see, each one is a little different because they were individually cut.
This was the last page close up of the two quotes and my message.
last prompt - your choice of cutting tool - I made an accordian card with each a silhouette cutout to spell A ROSE and wrote two quotes.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Eco-print 2, Edibles - Paper - Fabric

Carol, Ali, me, Kate, Cheryl and Hannah...
This past full weekend, I gave a workshop at San Francisco Center for the Book. It was on Eco-printing with botanicals. This time I included with leaves and flowers, purple carrots, red cabbage, strawberry tops, onion skins, avocado, black beans, pomegranate and rosemary. I also gave each a piece of cotton, linen, wool and silk. The students did great work. Here are a few photos;