Thursday, October 3, 2013

Visigothic Versals

I had a wonderful time at a Friends of Calligraphy workshop with Risa Gettler. She taught her version of Visigothic Versals.
She has been studying this form for many years, traveling through out the ancient Visigothic areas in Europe.
I learned so much from her. She is very engaging and fun.  Here are my attempts. I will be finishing the piece by redoing everything and learning more while I am doing it.
One drop can ruin the whole day, as Risa said.  This happened on my second attempt to do my piece.
My table of stuff to do my piece. 

My unfinished versal from Dr. Seuss.The zoomorphic is the 'F' that will be painted and gilded.

This is the first color draft, must do again to resolve the attribution to Dr. Seuss.

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