Saturday, February 25, 2017

Letters California Style with Marina Soria

picked out one piece that was going to be thrown out by a sewing contractor friend. We were asked to study the colors and pull out no more than 6 colors from it. Mine was easy, it only had 6 colors. The pattern was our inspiration to use the colors and interpret them in various ways.

mixed colors of the print
first study

Empty space study with shape of the paisley
Study with Gilbran quote
letterform inspiration from Benoit Furet -

using folded pen
Letterform I made up with inspiration from one I found attribution.
study using resist

woven words from two studies
accordian book of printed pages with printed covers of fabric.
The fabric I chose and my study pages

Marina and the classmates. Great bunch of women.
My table mates, Sunny Ba and Kathy Wafer.